Package org.cishell.framework.algorithm

Provides interfaces required for creating CIShell algorithms.


Interface Summary
Algorithm A class which executes some arbitrary code and optionally returns any data produced.
AlgorithmFactory A service interface for creating Algorithms to be executed.
AlgorithmProperty A standard set of properties and values used for creating a service metadata Dictionary that is provided when registering an AlgorithmFactory with the OSGi service registry.
DataValidator An additional interface an AlgorithmFactory can implement that allows for further data validation beyond what is provided in the service dictionary's in_data/out_data specifications.
ParameterMutator An additional interface an AlgorithmFactory can implement that allows for adding, modifying, or removing input parameters before being shown to the end-user for input.
ProgressMonitor A class to monitor the progress of an algorithm.
ProgressTrackable An additional interface an Algorithm can implement that allows for monitoring of progress, process cancellation, and current work description.

Exception Summary
AlgorithmExecutionException An exception which is thrown when an error occurs in the process of executing an Algorithm

Package org.cishell.framework.algorithm Description

Provides interfaces required for creating CIShell algorithms.

Package Specification

The API related to creation of CIShell algorithms.

See Also:
CIShell Specification 1.0